The Gymnastics Academy believes that a child’s and young person’s welfare is everyone’s responsibility and looking after children is an obligation we take very seriously. We are committed to safeguarding and protecting all of our members from abuse; particularly children whose safety and wellbeing is at the centre of everything that we do.
We also recognise this obligation with regard to adults at risk in the community and this can be referred to in our separated Adult safeguarding policy. The Gymnastics Academy s procedures stem from the principle that the individual’s welfare is the first consideration and that all people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, or any disability they might have, have the right to be protected.
The Gymnastics Academy will support anyone who in good faith reports any concerns that a child is either at risk or actually being abused. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional or by neglect, and can be from an action or an inaction.
The Gymnastics Academy acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice
The framework for safeguarding children in England is set out in the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children HM Government. The guidance applies explicitly to sports organisations and to anyone working within these organisations, whether paid or a volunteer.
Safeguarding Children is described in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 as the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm, which involves:
• Protecting children from maltreatment
• Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
• Ensuring children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe andeffective care
• Taking actions to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Individuals may be targeted for harassment and abuse because of their sex, race, religion or belief, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, appearance and athletic ability or for some other reason that makes them different from their peers. The risk of abuse is greater for those who are disabled or lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender (LGBT).
Abuse can also take place within a family or in an institutional or other community setting but can also take place in a virtual setting e.g. chatrooms or involve some other type of electronic communication and is usually carried out by someone who is known to the individual being abused. While harassment and abuse are often perpetrated by an individual in a position of trust or power (perceived or actual), young people may also be subjected to abuse including bullying, hazing and exploitation at the hands of their peers.
The psychological effects of abuse can be life-long, especially if the individual has not been able to disclose the abuse or access support. Anyone who has been abused as a child or young person may find it difficult or impossible to maintain stable, trusting relationships, may become involved with drugs and experience mental health problems or self-harm. Although sport can provide a significant opportunity to someone who is motivated to abuse, sports clubs can also offer a safe place for those experiencing abuse in a family or institutional setting outside sport.
It is recognised that people who have regular contact with young people and others at risk are well-placed to notice signs of abuse. This is particularly important where a child is unable or finds it difficult to recognise and/or share concerns and is reliant on adults to be alert to the possibility that they may be experiencing abuse.
Effective information sharing is a vital part of safeguarding. While data protection law should not be seen as a barrier to sharing information where it is necessary to protect a child from harm, due regard must be given to ensuring personal information is shared in accordance the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
All sports organisations have an important leadership role in embedding a no-tolerance approach towards all forms of abuse and taking steps to prevent other forms of harm which include:
• Poor or unsafe practice
• Discrimination, harassment and victimization
• Bullying or hazing
• Extremism
1.2 The purpose and scope of this policy statement.
The Gymnastics Academy aims to give the opportunity to every child to do gymnastics. This is fulfilled through gymnastics sessions delivered at our venues.
The Gymnastics Academy believes that a child’s welfare is everyone’s responsibility and looking after children and young people is an obligation we take very seriously.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
• To ensure all children and young people have a positive and enjoyable experience of gymnastics with The Gymnastics Academy , in a safe and child-centred environment.
• To achieve this, everyone must understand their responsibility for preventing and responding to any disclosures or concerns including where the abuse may be occurring outside the gymnastics environment.
• To provide staff and volunteers, as well as children and young people and their families, with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection
This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of The Gymnastics Academy including directors, senior managers, paid staff, delivery team, volunteers and visitors.
1.3 Legal framework This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England. A summary of the key legislation is available from learning.
1.4 Supporting documents This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance and any other related documents, most of which can be found within this document. If it is not it can be found as a separate policy.
• Role description for safeguarding lead
• Dealing with concerns/disclosures about a child/young person• Managing allegations about staff/ delivery team and volunteers
• Recording concerns and sharing information• Child protection records retention and storage
• Code of conduct for staff and volunteers
• Code of conduct for gymnasts• Code of conduct for parents
• Photography and sharing images
• Safe recruitment (in a separate document)
• Safe environment (in a separate document)
• Online safety (in a separate document)
• Anti-bullying policy
• Managing complaints• Whistleblowing
• Health and safety (in a separate document)
• Induction, training and supervision and support (in a separate document)
• Missing children and young people
• Transportation of children and young people
1.5 The Gymnastics Academy ’s commitments The overall safeguarding for children and young people at The Gymnastics Academy rest with the The Gymnastics Academy team. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and therefore, everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe, irrespective of their role and whether they are paid or volunteers.
The Gymnastics Academy believe that:-
• Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
• We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, tokeep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them
• Everyone has the right to participate in gymnastics in an environment free from non-accidental violence regardless of sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, age, marriage and civil partnership, parental or marital status, pregnancy and maternity, disability, religion or belief, colour, race including nationality or ethnicity and socio/economic background.
The Gymnastics Academy recognise that:-
• The welfare of the children and young people are paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take all children and young people, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
• Some children and young people are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs, other protected characters or other issues.
• Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies are essential in promoting young people’s welfare. The Gymnastics Academy recognises safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Therefore, everyone who works with children and young people has a responsibility for keeping them safe, irrespective of their role and whether they are paid or volunteers. The Gymnastics Academy has appointed a nominated safeguarding lead (see appendix 15.1 for role description)
The Gymnastics Academy will seek to keep children and young people safe by:-
• Valuing, listening to and respecting them• Appointing a nominated safeguarding lead officer for children and young people.
• Adopting child protection and safeguarding best practices through our policies,procedures and code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
• Ensuring everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding.
• Ensuring everyone understands that any form of non-accidental violence is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.
• Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support, training and quality assurance measures so that all staff and volunteers know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes of conduct confidently and competently.
• Recording, storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance.
• Sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with children and their families via leaflets and posters..
• Ensuring everyone (including children, young people, their families and staff) knows where to go to for help should they have a concern about someone’s welfare and promote a culture where everyone feels able to raise a concern without fear of recrimination.
• Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support is provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern.
• Using our safeguarding and child protection procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, parents, families and carers appropriately recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely ensuring all necessary checks (including DBS checks) are made and relevant details stored securely and checked regularly to ensure updates are conducted when needed.
• Prevent employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals by completing all suitable checks before the start of employment/deployment of all individuals.
• Using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately.
• If an allegation is made against a member of staff or delivery team then effective support will be provided until a full investigation has taken place.
• Developing and implementing an effective online safety policy and related procedures.
• Creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and procedure to help us deal effectively with any bullying that does arise.
• Ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place.
• Ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our children, young people, staff and volunteers by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance This policy and guidelines are mandatory for anyone who takes part and is involved in The Gymnastics Academy activities. They will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved within The Gymnastics Academy . The responsibility to report applies to any concerns whether they are within the gymnastics environment or outside of the gymnastics environment. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion/termination from the organisation.
1.6 Contact details within the The Gymnastics Academy Organisation and other useful contacts for each element of this policy:
Nominated safeguarding lead:- Name: Dallas Aibi Email: NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000 & Childline – 0800 111 KIDSCAPE Parent Helpline (Mon-Fri 10-4pm)0845 1205 204 Parentline Plus 0808 8002 222 Local authority designated officer (LADO)
Multi-agency safeguarding hub
The Gymnastics Academy are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
1.7 Definitions Child/young people Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Children’ therefore means children and young people Safeguarding Safeguarding Children is described in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 as the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm, which involves:
• Protecting children from maltreatment
• Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
• Ensuring children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe andeffective care
• Taking actions to enable all children to have the best outcomesTypes of Abuse Any non-accidental act or failure to act that causes harm. The categories of abuse that apply to children are set out in Working Together as follows
• Neglect
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse including sexual exploitation
• Emotional abuse
The above types of abuse can be defined as:-
• Neglect
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic and/or physical needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food or clothing; shelter, including exclusion from home or abandonment; failure to protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; failure to ensure adequate supervision including the use of inadequate caretakers; or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsive to a child’s basic emotional needs.
Neglect in a sport situation could include a coach failing to ensure children are safe and comfortable or exposing them to undue cold or unnecessary risk of injury.
The physical signs of neglect may include: constant hunger, sometimes stealing food from other children, constantly dirty or ‘smelly’, loss of weight, or being constantly underweight and inappropriate clothing for the conditions.
Changes in behaviour which can also indicate neglect may include: complaining of being tired all the time, not requesting medical assistance and/or failing to attend appointments, having few friends and mentioning being left alone or unsupervised.
Physical Abuse Physical abuse may involve hitting, throwing, shaking, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child or young person or failing to protect a child from that harm. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of or deliberately induces illness in a child.
Examples of physical abuse in sport may be when the nature or intensity of training and competition exceeds the capacity of the child’s/young person’s immature and growing body or where drugs are used to enhance the performance or delay puberty.
Physical symptoms include bruises, black eyes and broken bones are obvious signs of physical abuse. Other signs might include injuries that the child cannot explain or explains unconvincingly, untreated or inadequately treated injuries, injuries to parts of the body where accidents are unlikely, such as thighs, back, abdomen, bruising which looks like a hand or finger marks, cigarette burns, human bites, scalds or burns.
Changes in behaviour that can also indicate physical abuse are:-
• Fear of parents being approached for an explanation
• Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts
• Flinching when approached or touched
• Reluctant to get changed (for example in hot weather)
• Depression
• Withdrawn behaviour
• Running away from home
Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact including assault by penetration (for example rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non -contact activitiessuch as involving children in looking at, or in the production of sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children and young people to behave in sexually inappropriate ways or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children and young people.
In sport, coaching techniques that involve physical contact with children could potentially create situations where sexual abuse may go unnoticed. The power of the coach over the child/young person, if misused, may also lead to abusive situations developing. One of the issues in assessing whether sexual assault has occurred is that of exploitation (see below). Other symptoms may include pain, itching, bruising, or bleeding in the genital or anal areas, genital discharge or urinary tract infections, stomach pains or discomfort walking or sitting or sexually transmitted infections.
Changes in behaviour which can also indicate sexual abuse include:-
• Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour (becoming aggressive or withdraw
• Fear of being left with a specific person or group of people
• Having nightmares
• Running away from home
• Sexual knowledge which is beyond their age
• Developmental level sexual drawings or language,
• Bedwetting
• Eating problems such as overeating or anorexia
• Self-harm or mutilation sometimes leading to suicide attempts
• Indicating they have secrets that they can’t share
• Substance or drug abuse
• Suddenly having unexplained sources of money
• Not allowed to have friends
• Acting in a sexually explicit way towards adults
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to children and young people that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone. Examples include:-
• Threats of harm or abandonment
• Humiliation, shaming or ridicule
• Harassment, bullying, intimidation
• Control or coercion
• Deprivation of choice or privacy
• Deliberate social isolation
Changes in behaviour which can indicate emotional abuse can include neurotic behaviour
• Neurotic behaviour (e.g. sulking, hair twisting, rocking
• Being unable to play
• Fear of making mistakes
• Sudden speech disorders
• Self-harm
• Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour
• Developmental delay in terms of emotional progress
Emotional abuse in part may occur if children are subjected to constant criticism, name- calling, sarcasm, bullying or unrealistic pressure to perform to high expectations consistently (e.g. in a sporting capacity).
Extremism In order to safeguard children, young people and communities most public bodies now have a statutory duty to be aware of the signs of extremist behaviour and to try and prevent individuals who may be at risk of being exploited by radicalisers and subsequently drawn into terrorist-related activity. Extremism “Is the vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
If you are concerned that an individual is being exploited in this way it is important that you share these concerns with Active The Safeguarding Lead Officer.
To view the Government’s Strategy on Prevent please go to;…/prevent-strategy-review.pdf
Domestic Abuse
It has been highlighted the impact of domestic abuse including the short-term and long term detrimental impact on a child’s health, well-being and ability to learn if they are experiencing domestic abuse at home or within their own intimate relationships.
Bullying or cyber-bullying
In some cases of abuse, it may not be an adult that is the abuser. It could be that the abuser is another child or young person and this is typically seen in common cases of bullying. Bullying is behaviour that hurts someone else. It includes name-calling, hitting, pushing, spreading rumours, threatening or undermining someone. It can happen anywhere, at home, at school or online. It’s usually repeated over a long period of time and can hurt a child both physically and emotionally. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place online. Unlike bullying in the real world, online bullying can follow the child wherever they go, via social networks, gaming and mobile phone.
Signs that a child may be being bullied can be: coming home with cuts and bruises, torn clothes, asking for stolen possessions to be replaced, losing dinner money, falling out with previously good friends, being moody and bad-tempered, wanting to avoid leaving their home, aggression with younger brothers and sisters, doing less well at school, sleep problems, anxiety, becoming quiet and withdrawn.
Hazing Hazing behaviours are known to occur in many different types of social groups, including sports teams as a way of initiating a new person when they join the group or want to be socially accepted by their peers.
Poor practice
Poor practice is the behaviour of an individual in a position of responsibility which falls below the required standard as set out in the Standards of Conduct. Poor practice may not be immediately dangerous or intentionally harmful to a child but is likely to set a poor example.
Position of Trust
A position of trust involves a person in a position of authority over another person. There is a need to protect young people aged 16 and 17 who, despite reaching the age of consent for sexual activity, are considered to be vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation, in defined circumstances. This includes sexual activity and relationships with adults who hold a position of trust, responsibility or authority in relation to them and, as a result, have a considerable amount of power and influence in their lives. For the purposes of our policies and procedures we regard coaches, safeguarding leads, judges and other officials as being in a position of trust even where the legal definition does not specifically include that role.
These definitions and indicators are not meant to be definitive but only serve as a guide. It is important to remember that many children may exhibit some of these indicators at some time and that the presence of one or more should not be taken as proof that abuse is occurring. There may well be other reasons for changes in behaviour such as a death or the birth of a new baby in the family, or relationship problems between parents/carers.
In assessing whether indicators are related to abuse or not, the authorities will always want to understand them in relation to the child’s development and context.
1.8 Monitoring and evaluation
This policy will be annually monitored and a full policy review will take place every three years. A policy review may also be conducted in response to any of the following occurrences:
1. Changes in legislation or guidance.
2. Changes in the governance of the sport.
3. Changes in the nature or size of The Gymnastics Academy .
4. A procedural review takes place following any case regardless of the level of concern.
2. Procedures for reporting
2.1 Overview This document sets out the steps that should be taken should there be a concern that a child/ young person who is taking part in The Gymnastics Academy may be at risk of or is experiencing abuse or neglect.
Concerns may arise in the following formats:-
• Disclosure form a child
• Direct or reported observations of possible abuse, neglect, suspicious behaviour, poorpractice including those of The Gymnastics Academy Team
• Significant changes in an individual’s behaviour, appearance, attitude or relationship with others
• Reports from external agencies or individualsSafeguarding allegations can fall into two categories:-
• Gymnastics activities related. Allegations involving someone within the sport or in aposition of trust
• External to the sport – concerns of abuse or neglect by an external member who is not connected to gymnastics.
Concerns can be a current situation or connected to non-recent events and may be about allegations or disclosure of abuse and or poor practice of an individual.
2.2 Safeguarding responsibilities All staff and volunteers need to be aware of their safeguarding responsibilities to ensure that all children/young people are kept safe and be aware of when and how and who to report any concerns to.
Safeguarding Lead
safeguarding lead:- Name: Tammy Allman Phone: 07700139979 Email:
2.3 Recognising signs or suspicions of abuse.
Everyone must be alert to the signs and triggers of abuse and neglect. Sometimes an individual may disclose information but in many cases, the indicators may be less obvious and only become apparent over time. It is important to be aware of the signs and indicators but to also be alert to any changes in an individual’s behaviour. Accurate and timely recording of any unexplained indicators that may be a sign of abuse is fundamental in effective safeguarding.
It is essential that everyone accepts responsibility to report any information. Where a safeguarding concern is disclosed to a member of staff, or volunteer as part of their role within the organisation, the responsibility for that information rests with the organisation, not the individual. The individual who is made aware of a safeguarding concern should share their concerns with the safeguarding lead. Reporting should not be delayed.
Commitment to working with parents and carers is important when having concerns about a young person’s well-being. Therefore, in most situations, it would be important to talk to parents or carers to help clarify any initial concerns. For example, if a person seems withdrawn, there may be a reasonable explanation. He/she may have experienced an upset in the family such as parental separation or divorce or bereavement.
There are circumstances in which a young person might be placed at even greater risk if such concerns were shared (e.g. where a parent or carer may be responsible for the abuse or not able to respond to the situation appropriately). In these situations, or where concerns still exist, any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the safeguarding lead as soon as possible and recorded. Parents should not be contacted if the concern is about sexual abuse. This will be done by social care and/or the police at the appropriate time.
If there is an emergency ALWAYS dial 999. If an adult is at risk of significant harm then the police should be contacted immediately.
2.4 Responding and reporting concerns
If an individual discloses a concern, it is important that they are provided with appropriate support and guidance but in a way that does not jeopardise any potential investigations. It is not our role to investigate the concerns but to ensure that the information is shared to the correct individuals and where appropriate the relevant statutory authorities.
Where a member of staff or volunteer receives information about a safeguarding concern, they should explain to the individual to whom it relates that they have a responsibility to share the concern with the appropriate safeguarding lead or manager. It is important to reassure the individual, who may be fearful of any repercussions and provide appropriate support to help them understand why it is necessary to share this information.
If a child or young person says or indicates that he or she is being abused, or information is obtained which gives concern that a child or a young person is being abused, you should respond immediately and take the allegation seriously. See 2.4.1 for a reporting flow chart to understand how to report any incidents or concerns.
The safeguarding lead may be informed of situations where there is uncertainty about whether or not the allegation constitutes abuse or not and therefore are unclear about what action to take. There may be circumstances where allegations are about poor practice rather than abuse but those responsible should always consult the safeguarding lead or gain advice from social care, the police or the NSPCC if there is any doubt. Sometimes it may be one of a series of incidents which when added together cause concern.
The following steps must be taken (an example incident form can be found in appendix 15.2). Make a full record of what has been said, heard and/or seen as soon as possible, the information should include the following:
• Name of the child/young person at risk.
• Age of child/young person at risk and date of birth.
• Home address and telephone number.
• Is the person making the report expressing their own concerns or those of someoneelse? In the latter case, also include the other person’s details.
• What is the nature of the allegation? Include dates, times and special factors and other relevant information.
• Make a clear distinction between what is a fact, opinion or hearsay.
• A description of any visible bruising or other injuries.
• Witnesses to the incidents.
• The child/young person at risk account, if it can be given, of what has happened andhow any bruising or injuries have occurred.
• Have the parents/carers been contacted? If ok to do so – parents may be the abuser
• If so, what has been said?
• Has anyone else been consulted? If so record details.
• If it is not the child/young person at risk making the report has the child/young personconcerned been spoken to? If so what was said?
• Has anyone been alleged to be the abuser? Record details.
Please be aware that a child may not always be ready to disclose information or able to talk about it even if you recognise the signs. Some children may not recognise that they are being subjected to abuse.
2.4.1 Reporting Flow chart If you have a concern about a child/young person, please follow the actions below:-
2.5 Speaking to the Child In speaking to children regarding suspected or alleged abuse, ensure you do the following: 23
• allow the child time to speak
• react calmly so as not to frighten the child
• reassure the child and ensure that the allegations will be taken seriously
• take what the child says seriously, recognising the difficulties inherent in interpreting what is said by a child who has a speech impairment and/or differences in language keep questions to the absolute minimum to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of what has been said
• reassure the child but do not make promises of confidentiality which might not be feasible in the light of subsequent developments.
Do not:
• show any feelings of anger, disgust, anddisbelief to the child as they may stop talking for fear of upsetting the person further or feel that the negative feelings are being directed towards them
• interrupt or make suggestions to the child
• ask probing or leading questions
• speculate or make assumptions
• make negative comments about the alleged abuser
• approach the alleged abuser
• make promises to keep secrets Please see appendix 15.2 for Safeguarding Incident/Concern Form
2.6 Inform the Designated safeguarding Lead Officer.
Lead Safeguarding office for The Gymnastics Academy Dallas Aibi –
Once the designated Safeguarding Lead Officer has been informed, it is their responsibility to refer to the social care department by telephone and confirm it in writing within one day. The designated Safeguarding Lead Officer is to report allegations and/or suspicions of abuse to social care and if there are issues of poor practice this must be reported to the appropriate organisation or governing body.
Reporting the matter to the police or social care department should not be delayed by attempts to obtain more information. Wherever possible, referrals telephoned to the social care department should be confirmed in writing within 24 hours by the safeguarding lead. A record should also be made of the name and designation of the social care member of staff or the police officer to whom the concerns were passed, together with the time and date of the call, in case any follow-up is needed. A copy of this information may be sent to the NGB and Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) as appropriate. If there is an emergency ALWAYS dial 999.
2.7 Dealing with allegations against staff/delivery team
The procedure for dealing with allegations made against staff or gymnastics coaches will be used where the individual has:
• Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
• Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
• Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he or she would pose a riskof harm if he or she works regularly or closely with children.
Any allegation or concern that an employee, delivery team member or volunteer has behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child will be taken seriously and dealt with sensitively and promptly, regardless of where the alleged incident took place. This includes for people who The Gymnastics Academy do not directly employ.
Depending on the situation, an appropriate response may involve:-
• The Gymnastics Academy following the relevant procedures with individuals concerned
• Your local child protection services making enquiries and/or assessing where a childneeds support
• The police investigating a possible criminal offence.
The reporting procedure is the same as any other disclosure or concern that needs reporting. If the disclosure or concern is about the safeguarding lead, then it should be reported to the deputy or a senior manager. Any children/young people involved will be given the appropriate support during the process.
Interim Measures As part of any investigation and in order to protect all parties concerned, The Gymnastics Academy may impose interim protective measures, including temporary suspension pending the outcome of the investigation. Where appropriate these decisions will be taken in consultation with the lead safeguarding officer.
2.8 Confidentiality
Confidentiality is a key issue in safeguarding work. Whilst information should not be shared freely, it must be shared with appropriate agencies to ensure that a child is not left unprotected.
Decisions on who needs to be informed should be taken by the safeguarding lead after discussion with social care.
• Remember that the Data Protection Act is not a barrier to sharing information
• Be open and honest
• Seek advice
• Share with consent where appropriate
• Consider safety and well-being Necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely and secure
• Keep a record
2.9 Sharing Information
• Sharing of information between practitioners and organisations is essential for effective identification, assessment, risk management and service provision. Fears about sharing information cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people at risk of abuse or neglect.
• While the focus here in on sharing information about abuse or neglect concerns, sharing information may also be appropriate in other circumstances to promote the welfare or wellbeing of a ‘child/young person in need’.
• Personal information held by The Gymnastics Academy is subject to a legal duty of confidentiality and will not normally be disclosed without the consent of the individual. However, the right to confidentiality and respect for private and family life (Article 8, Human Rights Act, 1998) is not absolute.
• The Gymnastics Academy recognises that information sharing between key organisations is essential to safeguard children at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation. A key factor in many serious case reviews has been a failure to record information, to share it, to understand the significance of the information shared, and to take appropriate action in relation to known or suspected abuse or neglect.
• The third-party organisations with whom safeguarding concerns may need to be shared include: Statutory authorities (police/social care) and other organisations e.g. Other sports organisations or community clubs where risks posed by an individual cannot be managed without the disclosure of information.
• The Gymnastics Academy will ensure that confidential information is only shared where it is lawful and ethical to do so.
• Where a safeguarding concern is external to the sport, and an individual is not clear that information should be shared, advice about whether sharing is appropriate can be sought from the police or local authority without disclosing the identity of the person in the first instance.
• If you would share the information irrespective of whether the individual consents because of safeguarding concerns about the individual or about others who may be at risk if the information is not shared, it is not appropriate or necessary to ask for consent. However, it is always best practice to be open and honest with the individual from the outset as to the reason why and with whom their information will be shared and try to get their agreement to share, where it is appropriate and safe to do so, especially where the individual may not expect their information to be shared.
• In the context of safeguarding a child or young person, the principles of the Children Acts 1989 and 2004, that state that the welfare of children is paramount mean that the needs of children who may be at risk must always be the key consideration.
• Anyone who makes decisions about whether to disclose confidential information to a third-party organisation is accountable under data protection law for these decisions. Decisions about who needs to know and what information needs to be shared should always be taken on a case by case basis and the justification for any sharing decisions should be recorded.
2.10 Retention of records
Any information relating to safeguarding concerns must be stored securely. Any concerns that have been reported to The Gymnastics Academy will be retained as is deemed necessary to safeguard the individual. In relation to safeguarding concerns with children, a record will be kept until the child or young person reaches the age of 25.
3. Whistleblowing Although incidents can be reported directly by the affected individual, the term whistleblowing is often used to describe a complaint relating to the conduct of an individual that is made by someone other than the affected person.
The Gymnastics Academy recognises that some individuals may be fearful to disclose information due to fear of the consequences, particularly if the perpetrator is in a position of authority. If possible in these circumstances, the whistleblower identity will remain confidential.
Any person or their child, if a participating gymnast reports a concern in good faith will not be subject to reprisal or other adverse consequences. These protections shall not apply to a person who intentionally makes a complaint that is false, vexatious, retaliatory or frivolous.
4. Media enquiries Safeguarding issues are an area that can attract considerable media interest. Where it is likely that there will be interest in a safeguarding case, all enquiries are the be handled through the The Gymnastics Academy Marketing team,
5. Training The Gymnastics Academy identifies that training and raising awareness of safeguarding issues, policies and procedures is fundamental to the development and maintenance of a safe environment and safer organisation.
The Gymnastics Academy will also ensure that all current staff and volunteers are trained to the appropriate standards in safeguarding to maintain and promote safer staff, safer culture and a safer organisation.
All members of staff and volunteers will receive training in safeguarding to a level which is commensurate to the level of responsibility of the role that is being performed. Lead and Deputy safeguarding officers will attend the Time to Listen training.
Safeguarding training will not be regarded as a ‘once only’ activity but as on-going development of skills and knowledge of safeguarding. Safeguarding refresher training events will be provided at least every three years and in response to staff turnover within the planned team skills development programme.
Staff should regularly seek ways of increasing their professional development and self- awareness and should welcome evaluation of their work by a colleague and be able to account to performers, employers, Governing Bodies for their actions.
6. Code of conduct
We expect a lot from our employees. Our good name and our success have been achieved by ensuring that all those working with us uphold our standards and high level of customer service. The Company expects employees to behave appropriately, courteously, professionally and responsibly within the following guidelines:
• Ensure that the interests of children, parents and clients remain paramount at all times
• Go beyond the call of duty for our children, parents and clients• Observe all legal and ethical requirements applicable to the business
• Keep confidential all information gained during the course of employment about the Company’s business or that of customers and other stakeholders
6.1 Code of conduct for Coaches (delivery team)
The Gymnastics Academy Code of conduct establishes and maintains the standards we expect for our The Gymnastics Academy team. Coaches are accountable for their actions and must keep appropriate records.
The Code of conduct is written to establish and maintain standards within The Gymnastics Academy such as Integrity, Responsibility, Competence and Confidentiality. This Code of conduct is applicable to all people working for The Gymnastics Academy whether they are full-time staff, delivery team or volunteers.
• Respect everyone who works within the The Gymnastics Academy team
• Treat all your gymnasts equally within the context of the activity regardless of gender,ethnic origin, sexuality, religion, disability or political persuasion
• The Gymnastics Academy are concerned primarily with the health and well-being of their gymnasts and only secondary with the optimisation of their performance
• The Gymnastics Academy staff are encouraged to develop independence in the individuals to take responsibility for their own actions
• The Gymnastics Academy staff to set and maintain clear boundaries between the gymnasts/ coach relationship. Never leave yourself in a situation where you are alone with a child and/ or in a situation that could be misinterpreted, not only by the performer but by outsiders motivated by jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety.
6.1.1 Commitment Each coach should commit to their sessions, gymnasts and families and endeavour to support them throughout their The Gymnastics Academy journey.
6.1.2 Confidentiality Coaches inevitably gather a great deal of personal information about performers in the course of a working relationship. During the term of your engagement or at any time thereafter, you must not:
• Divulge or communicate to any unauthorised person any information regarding the Company’s business or that of any client, customer.
• Use for your own purposes or for any purposes other than those of the Company any information regarding the Company’s business or that of any client, customer
• Cause any unauthorised disclosure, through any failure to exercise due care and attention of any information regarding the Company’s business or that of any customer. You shall not without the prior consent of the Company, either directly or indirectly, make any public statements, posts on social media, detrimental or otherwise, or be involved in or assist in the publication of any article relating to the business affairs of the Company, any officers, Instructors, employees, or third parties in any way associated with the Company, or any information relating to the Company or associated companies whatsoever.
6.1.3 Personal Standards The coach must consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of gymnastics and The Gymnastics Academy coaching – to gymnasts, other coaches, centre staff, spectators, and the general public.
Personal appearance is crucial. The coach must wear appropriate The Gymnastics Academy uniform at all times during their role. The Coach also has an obligation to project an image of health, cleanliness and functional efficiency. Coaches should not drink alcohol or smoke prior to coaching. Coaches should not wear their uniform in public when they are not performing their specific The Gymnastics Academy role.
6.1.4 Safety Coaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the gymnasts with whom they work as far as possible within the limits of their control.
• All reasonable steps should be taken to establish a safe working environment.
• The activity being undertaken should be suitable for the age, experience and ability ofthe gymnasts.
• Gymnasts should have been systematically prepared for the activity being undertakenand made aware of their personal responsibilities in terms of safety.
6.2 Good practice
The Gymnastics Academy ’s procedures stem from the principle that the individual’s welfare is the first consideration and that all people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, or any disability they might have, have the right to be protected.
The Gymnastics Academy will support anyone who in good faith reports any concerns that a child/young person is either at risk or actually being abused. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional or by neglect, and can be from an action or an inaction.
The Gymnastics Academy ’s staff members and delivery team are taught good practice for working with children, following guidelines that include
• Minimising physical contact, although physical support or manual communication is necessary for gymnastics coaching. Where it is necessary to support a child with a physical disability, the parents or carers views are sought.
• Following all safeguarding procedures and policies
• Follow all organisational policies (such as health and safety)
• Working in an open environment
• Put the child and young person at the heart of every decision
• Work to the child or young persons’ ability and level
• Engage with every child in the session
• Talk to parents about the child or young persons’ progress or any concerns that youmay have
6.3 Poor practice
This is the behaviour of an individual in a position of responsibility or a position of trust, which falls below the required standard as set out in the Codes of conduct. This may not be immediately dangerous or intentionally harmful but it is likely to set a poor example. Examples of these could include:-
• Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching.
• Make sexually suggestive remarks to a child or young people.• Reduce a child to tears as a form of control.
• Allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged.
• Allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon.
• Leave the gymnastics venue before all gymnasts have been collected or are continuingto be supervised by appropriate club officers.
• Abuse your position of power or trust with children.
• Resort to bullying tactics or verbal abuse.
• Cause a gymnast to lose self-esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining the individual.
• Spend excessive amounts of time with one gymnast to the detriment of the group.
• Do things of a personal nature for young people that they can do for themselves.
• Engage in a sexual relationship with a gymnast aged 16-17 years old.6.4 Coach Expectations Based on great practice in gymnastics coaching, the following are the expectations and standards that The Gymnastics Academy has set out for coaches to follow:
• Be at the gymnastics venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. This is to ensure time to set out all the equipment needed, check all the registers and session plans are in place and most importantly to be there to welcome the gymnasts into the session.
• Collect all children from the designated drop off point and escort them safely to the gym if the drop off point is not at the gym.
• Take a register to ensures that all children are present and correct at the start of each session and that there is a comprehensive headcount of all children in the gym should an emergency arise. Report any gymnasts that are missing from your registers to the coordinator. Report any gymnast that fails to turn up for their first session and feedback to the Coordinator regarding any gymnasts that fail to come to two or more consecutive sessions.
• Work in an open environment, where you are easily visible to others
• Actively show the children and parents that you are enthusiastic at every session and deliver all activities and coaching points with confidence and accuracy.
• At the end of the session take all children to the allocated pick up point and handed over to the correct carer. NO child should be allowed to leave the designated pick up area without adult supervision.
• When speaking with parents ensure that it is the correct parent and that noinformation regarding other children is discussed. No other children should be named when speaking to parents.
• Provide a great customer experience for the gymnasts and the parents. This includes knowing every gymnasts’ name and being a motivated coach.
• Resolve any parent queries as soon as possible but within a week. Should you not beable to resolve the query or issue, contact your coordinator and ensure the parent knows what is going on and feels valued.
• Follow the protocols set by The Gymnastics Academy for recording and feeding back on each child’s progress and ensure all progress records are kept up to date. This feedback should always be positive and constructive.
• Work as one team to support and learn from each other and to deliver great sessions every week.
• Wear appropriate uniform for all of your The Gymnastics Academy sessions and follow the The Gymnastics Academy coaches code of conduct.
• Ensure that all information received whilst teaching for The Gymnastics Academy MUST be treated as confidential and not shared with other coaches, third parties or anyone else other than their designated coordinator.
• Ensure that should a child become ill during a session they are returned to the correctcarer for attention and it is reported to the Coordinator.
• Avoid unaccompanied time with children/young people.
• Have a first aid kit if you are first aid trained
• Not to use of mobile phones for personal use during the session. All mobile phonesmust be accessible in the case of an emergency
• No coach must leave the venue whilst there are gymnasts still there unless they havepermission from the lead coach to do. There must always be two coaches remaining at the venue should a parent or guardian be late or delayed in collecting their child
• Following the The Gymnastics Academy Incident processes should an incident or injury occur, and ensure all necessary documentation is held securely and shared with only relevant members of The Gymnastics Academy .
• Communicate effectively with the Coordinator using The Gymnastics Academy systems regarding awards and progress, the wrong group for a gymnast, messages from customers or the venue, areas for improvement and hours of work
• Be aware of normal operating procedures (NOP), risk assessments and the emergencyaction plan (EAP) for the site and adhere to all the centre’s and The Gymnastics Academy ’ policies.
• Meet with your Coordinator and/or The Gymnastics Academy Account Manager when requested.
• Relay any questions, recommendations or feedback about the programme to yourCoordinator.
• Actively promote The Gymnastics Academy “Everything we do should be in the best interest of the gymnasts
6.5 Gymnasts code of conduct
This code of behaviour aims to make sure everyone who participates in The Gymnastics Academy ’s services knows what is expected of them and feels safe, respected and valued. The Gymnastics Academy must make sure that everyone taking part in our services has seen, understood and follow the code of conduct, and that they understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.
We expect people who take part in our services to display appropriate behaviour at all times. This includes behaviour that takes place outside our organisation and behaviour that takes place online.
Dos and don’ts You should:
• Cooperate with others
• Be friendly• Listen to others
• Be helpful
• Have good manners
• Treat everyone with respect
• Take responsibility for your own behaviour
• Talk to your coach about anything that worries or concerns you
• Follow this code of behaviour and other rules (including the law)
• Join in and have fun!You shouldn’t:
• be disrespectful to anyone else
• bully other people (online or offline)
• behave in a way that could be intimidating
• be abusive towards anyone
What happens if I decide not to follow the code of behaviour?
This code of behaviour is part of The Gymnastics Academy ’s process for making sure everyone who takes part in our services receives the support they need and have a fun and enjoyable experience at gymnastics.
Minor or first-time incident If you behave in a way that doesn’t follow our behaviour code, our staff, delivery team or volunteers will remind you about it and ask you to comply with it. They will give you an opportunity to change your behaviour.
Formal warning If you continue not to follow the code of behaviour after your first reminder, or if your behaviour is more serious, you will be given a formal warning by your coach at your session. They will make a record about what happened and inform your parents or carers if this is appropriate. They will also talk with you about what happened and agree what support you need to improve your behaviour in the future.
Final warning If the support
The Gymnastics Academy have put in place isn’t helping you to change your behaviour, we may need to give you a final warning. Again, this will be recorded and we’ll inform your parents or carers as appropriate. As a result, you may be asked to leave the sessions. At this point, we may need to talk with you and your parents or carers about other services that might be more able to give you the support you need.
Child protection procedures
If any member of staff or volunteer becomes concerned that your behaviour suggests that you may need protection or that you may present a risk of harm to other children and young people, they will follow our child protection procedures. This may involve making a referral to the local authority.
If child protection procedures are necessary we will talk this through with you and your parents as soon as possible, unless doing so would put you in danger or interfere with a police investigation. The role of parents and carers
We see parents and carers as valuable partners in promoting positive behaviour and will involve them as appropriate.
We will always inform and involve your parents or carers if you receive a formal warning about your behaviour unless doing so would put you in danger.
At The Gymnastics Academy we expect the gymnasts to arrive on time and in the correct clothing for their training session. A high level of discipline is required in gymnastics; therefore, we expect the gymnasts to listen to their coach and not to do anything the coach has not asked them to do. Hydration is essential during sport so every gymnast must bring a drink to every session. Still juices or water are preferred to energy drinks or fizzy drinks. The children should not bring any food, including chewing gum, to eat during their sessions. We ask that all jewellery including earrings are removed prior to the session. We ask that the gymnasts are prepared for each session and have the correct attire and are physically and mentally ready to train. At The Gymnastics Academy we do not accept any form of bullying and this will be taken seriously. Please see our anti-bullying policy within this document.
6.6 Parent’s and carer’s code of conduct
As a parent or carer of a child or young person taking part in The Gymnastics Academy ’s sessions, we would like you to:-
• Make sure your child has the clothing and kit for the session including a drink
• Make sure that your child arrives on time for the session and is picked up promptly. If there are any issues please make us aware as soon as possible. Please let us know if someone else is picking your child up
• Complete all the consent, contact, medical forms and update us straight away shouldany of this information change
• Maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach and ask any questions if you haveany queries
• Talk to us if you have any concerns about your child’s involvement in our sessionsParents/carers behaviour
• Our staff and delivery team have the right to work in an environment that is safe and The Gymnastics Academy will not accept any form of violence or abuse aimed towards our staff and delivery team or gymnasts.
• Lead by example to your child
• Try and learn about your child’s sport and what it means to them
• Be positive about your child’s progress
• Use social media responsibly
• Talk to your child about embracing good etiquette and sportsmanship
• Ensure your child understand their code of conduct
• Encourage your child to have a good attitude and listen to their coach
• We do not discourage parents observing their child’s sessions, however, The Gymnastics Academy requests that if you wish to watch your child train to please watch in the designated viewing areas or windows while the session is being conducted if the venue has one.
• The coaches need to have the full attention and concentration of all their gymnasts at all times so that the gymnasts can perform to their best and correctly understand instructions. As a parent, we understand you have the right to:-
• Be assured your child is safeguarded during their time with us• See any of our policies and procedures at any time
• Know who the safeguarding lead is for The Gymnastics Academy and have their contact details
• Know what training and qualifications our staff/delivery team have
• Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child
• Know what happens if there is an accident or injury. Be informed if your child has anaccident and see a record of the accident form
• Have your consent sought for anything outside of our initial consent form such aspermission for TV filming
• Have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and respondedto We expect all parents/carers to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this code. If any parent behaves in any way that contradicts any of the points set out above, we will address the problem straight away with the parent/carer and aim to resolve the issue.
Persistent concerns or breaches may result in parents/carers being asked not to attend if their attendance is considered a risk to the welfare and enjoyment of our gymnasts.
7. Photography Consent Policy Statement
7.1 Purpose of the policy statement
The purpose of this policy statement is to:-
• Protect children and young people who take part in The Gymnastics Academy ’s services, events and activities, specifically those where photographs and videos may be taken
• Set out the overarching principles that guide our approach to photographs/videos being taken of children and young people during our events and activities
• To ensure that we operate in line with our values and within the law when creating, using and sharing images of children and young people This policy statement applies to all staff, delivery team, volunteers and other adults associated with The Gymnastics Academy .
7.2 The Gymnastics Academy ’s commitments The Gymnastics Academy believe that:-
• Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
• We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people andto take, share and use images of children safely.
The Gymnastics Academy recognise that:-
• Sharing photographs and films of our activities can help us celebrate the successes and achievements of our children and young people, provide a record of our activities and raise awareness of The Gymnastics Academy
• The welfare of the children and young people taking part in our activities is paramount
• Children, their parents and carers have a right to decide whether their images are taken and how these may be used regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation
• Consent to take images of children is only meaningful when their children, their parents and carers understand how the images will be used and stored and are fully aware of the potential risks associated with the use and distribution of these images
• There are potential risks associated with sharing images of children onlineThe Gymnastics Academy will seek to keep children and young people safe by:-
• Always asking for permission from a child/young person and their parent/guardian before taking and using a child’s image. This is done during the registration of the gymnast to the The Gymnastics Academy programme.
• Always explaining what images will be used for, how they will be stored and what potential risks are associated with sharing images
• Making it clear that if a child or their family withdraw consent for an image to be shared, it may not be possible to delete images that have already been shared or published
• Changing names of children who images are being used in our published material whenever possible (and only using first names if we do need to identify them)
• Making sure children, their parents and carers understand how images of children will be securely stored (including how we will control access to the images and their associated information)
• Using images that positively reflect children and young people’s involvement in the activity.
7.3 Photography and/or film during sessions:-
Parents and carers are not permitted to photograph or film any element of the gymnastics sessions whilst they are in action. The coaches will, on occasion, take photographs or video footage of the children in action during their sessions to show you at the end, or to post on our social media sites or our website. This is for the purpose of the individual’s development or marketing and promotion purpose. This will not be done without the child’s parent or guardian consent which was done upon signing up their gymnast to the The Gymnastics Academy programme. Any photographs / videos taken on devices after gaining consent from the guardian must be shared with line managers straight after the session and then deleted with immediate effect. On occasion, with prior permission, photos and videos can be taken for The Gymnastics Academy ’s use.
For our The Gymnastics Academy BABY! sessions, photos can be taken during the sessions ensuring that it is only your child that you are photographing. If any member of The Gymnastics Academy suspects otherwise, they would take appropriate action.
7.4 Photography and/or film for The Gymnastics Academy ’s use
We recognise that our staff, the delivery team may use photography and filming to aid in our activities or to share the child/young person’s progress. Children, young people, parents and carers consent for photography and/or filming upon registration of their gymnast to our programme.
7.5 Photography and/or film for The Gymnastics Academy events If we hire a photographer for an event we will seek to help keep children and young people safe by:-
• Providing the photographer with a clear brief about appropriate content and behaviour
• Ensuring the photographer wears identification at all times
• Informing children, their parents and carers that a photographer will be at the eventand ensuring they give consent (this is done upon registration for the event) which feature their children being taken and shared
• Not allowing the photographer to have unsupervised access to the children
• Not allowing the photographer to carry out sessions outside the event or at a child’shome
• Reporting concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography following our child protection procedures
7.6 Photography and/or film for wider use If people such as local journalists, professional photographers (not hired by The Gymnastics Academy ) or students wish to record one of our events or sessions and share the images professionally or in the wider world, they will always seek permission from The Gymnastics Academy.
They will provide:-
• Name and address of the person using the camera
• The names of the children they wish to take images of (if possible)
• The reason for taking images and/or what the images will be used for
• A signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the images willonly be used for the reasons given The Gymnastics Academy will verify these details and decide whether to grant permission for photographs/films to be taken. We will seek consent from the children who are the intended subjects of the images and their parents and inform the photographer of anyone who does not give consent.
At the event, we will inform the children, parents and carers that an external photographer is present and ensure that they are easily identifiable (a coloured badge/vest).
If The Gymnastics Academy is concerned that someone unknown to us is using our sessions/ event for photography or filming purposes, we will ask them to leave and (depending on the nature of the concerns) follow our child protection procedures.
7.7 Storing images
We will store photographs and videos of children securely, in accordance with our safeguarding policy and data protection law. We will keep hard copies of images in a locked drawer and electronic images in a protected folder with restricted access. We will never store images of children on unencrypted portable equipment such as laptops, memory sticks and mobile phones. Photos will be stored for a maximum of 10 years.
8. Missing Child Prevention
It’s very unlikely a child will go missing from a gymnastic sessions as the coaches are in close proximity to them throughout their entire session, preventative measures should always be in place to ensure the missing child procedure is never necessary however we have it in place as an emergency.
• Always be aware of each and every child in your session.
• Ensure registers are taken and up to date
• Never allow a child to go to the toilet alone or with someone who is not a The Gymnastics Academy team member or a parent/guardian/carer of the child.
• Once a child has been put into your care do not allow a child to leave unless itis directly into the care of their parent/guardian/carers or someone a parent/guardian/carer has nominated to collect them.
• Ensure parents are aware children must be handed directly to you and thatyou are unable to release them from your care unless it is directly to them (not to meet them in the car park etc).
For all The Gymnastics Academy venues, parents/guardians/carer can leave the building as The Gymnastics Academy has all contact details should they need to be contacted in an emergency.
8.1 Missing Child Procedure In the unlikely event a child does go missing from your care, the following actions should be taken:
• Ensure the other children in the group are taken care of appropriately whilst a search for the child is conducted
• Lead coach should take the lead wherever possible and coordinator should be contacted as early as possible
• Locate and inform the child’s parents or nominate an appropriate person to do this
• Alert the DM/GM on duty at the venue and ask for their assistance in conducting the search
• Organise all responsible available adults by areas to be searched
• Search the area in which the child has gone missing, including the changingrooms, toilets, showers, public and private areas and the venues grounds
• Request that all those searching report back to a nominated adult at a specific point
• Make a note of the circumstances in which the child has gone missing, wherehe/she was last seen
• Prepare a detailed description of the child and their clothing/gymnastics wearincluding, age, sex, height, hair colour, eye colour
• If the search is unsuccessful, report the concern to the police. This musthappen no later than 30 minutes after the child’s disappearance is noted even if the search is not complete
• Follow police guidance if further action is recommended and maintain closecontact with the police
• Ensure you inform everybody involved if the child is located
9. Anti-bullying policy
9.1 Purpose of statement The purpose of this policy statement is:
• to prevent bullying from happening between children and young people who are a part of our organisation or take part in our activities
• to make sure bullying is stopped as soon as possible if it does happen and that those involved receive the support they need
• to provide information to all staff, volunteers, children and their families about what we should all do to prevent and deal with bullying.
This policy statement applies to anyone working on behalf of The Gymnastics Academy , including senior managers, paid staff, delivery team, volunteers, and students. Our code of conduct for staff, delivery team, gymnasts and parents and our safeguarding policy for reporting any concerns or disclosures support this anti-bullying policy. The Gymnastics Academy does not accept any form of bullying in their sessions. Bullying can be emotional, physical, racist, verbal or cyber and can occur between adults, children, gymnasts and coaches alike.
9.2 What is bullying?
Bullying includes a range of abusive behaviours that is:- • repeated• intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionallySee sections 5 (definitions) for further information on bullying and cyberbullying.
9.3 The Gymnastics Academy ’s commitments
The Gymnastics Academy believe that:
• children and young person should never experience abuse of any kind including bullying
• We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them. The Gymnastics Academy recognise that:
• bullying causes real distress. It can affect a person’s health and development and, at the extreme, can cause significant harm
• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
• everyone has a role to play in preventing all forms of bullying (including online) and putting a stop to bullying.
The Gymnastics Academy will seek to prevent bullying by:
• developing a code of conduct (staff, delivery team, parents/carers and gymnasts’) that sets out how everyone involved in our organisation is expected to behave, in face-to- face contact and online, and within and outside of our activities
• working in an open environment
• encouraging children and young people to speak out to a trusted adult if they have aproblem
• Have buddy systems and the The Gymnastics Academy values (teamwork, helpful etc) to help promote good practice for the children
• providing support to staff/delivery team to deal with bullying and have attended safeguarding courses
• putting clear and robust anti-bullying procedures in place• making sure our response to incidents of bullying takes into account:-o the needs of the person being bullied o the needs of the person displaying bullying behaviour – needs of any bystanders o our organisation as a whole.
• reviewing the plan developed to address any incidents of bullying at regular intervals, in order to ensure that the problem has been resolved in the long term. We recognise that bullying is closely related to how we respect and recognise the value of diversity. We will be proactive about:
• seeking opportunities to learn about and celebrate difference
• increasing diversity within our staff, volunteers, children and young people
• welcoming new members to our organisation.
9.4 Reporting and raising concerns
If a concern about bullying is raised, the coach will either deal with the issue and make the parents aware or inform the safeguarding lead for more advice. Gymnasts will be given a warning initially regarding their behaviour and parents made aware of this. If this does not improve, parents/guardians/carers will be informed and, in some cases, gymnasts may be asked to leave the club. If you have any concerns about bullying it should be normal in the same way as a safeguarding concern and this is for bullying or cyber-bullying.
All information is kept in strict confidence, however, if an issue becomes more serious information may need to be shared with other parties.
Useful contact details NSPCC/O2 Helpline (staying safe online) 0808 800 5002 Childline – 0800 111 Child Exploitation and Online protection centre (CEOPC) – Childnet – The UK Safer Internet Centre –
You must not let a child leave the gym until they are in the care of their parent or guardian. If the parent has not come to claim their child at the end of the session, call the child’s parent and emergency contact to find out if there is a problem. The Gymnastics Academy will provide you with a full list of your gymnasts’ information including medical history and parents contact details via the register. If you cannot reach the parents please call your coordinator or safeguarding lead to enquire about the best course of action.
It is unacceptable for staff/delivery team to transport one child alone*, and in the case of transporting a group of gymnasts best practice would require two responsible adults in the car (this does not include a coach who is themselves under 18 years of age). However, in exceptional circumstances where this is not possible and subject to prior consent from all relevant parents, a coach could transport a group of gymnasts (not individual) without another adult present. This is subject to the following conditions:
• the driver must ensure there are central pick-up and drop-off points to ensure they are not alone with a child;
• the driver should also provide parents with full details of any planned breaks in the journey and departure and arrival times;
• gymnasts must be seated in the back of the car with booster seats if required
• The Gymnastics Academy safeguarding lead should be made aware of the arrangements.
* Unforeseen would only apply in the event of an accident or where something unexpected has happened and there is no other alternative but to take a child alone in the car and to fail to act would put the child at risk of harm. Where these situations are unavoidable, and whenever possible, the full consent of either the safeguarding lead, Coordinator and/or the child’s parents should be obtained.
If after a time period and in consultation with the coordinator, and there are no more The Gymnastics Academy classes running at that venue, and it has not been possible to contact either the parent or the emergency contact, then the police/children’s services should be contacted.
11. Online safety policy
11.1 Overview This policy which can be found in full in a separate document provides guidance on how The Gymnastics Academy uses the internet and social, and the procedures for doing so. It also outlines how we expect our staff, delivery team and volunteers who work for us, and the children or young people who are members of our organisation to behave online. There has been a growing awareness in sport of the increasing communication by adults and children and young people online. There are both positives and negatives for online use and this policy aims to safeguard and protect children and young people who are taking part in The Gymnastics Academy ’s activities.
The Gymnastics Academy recognises the increase in use of social networking sites and online gaming which enables communication online and is growing very quickly. It also recognises the increase in use of social media sites to post pictures, videos, write blogs and stream live.
12. Safe recruitment policy
12.1 Overview Safe recruitment requires safeguarding issues to be considered at every stage of the recruitment process for positions involving work with children or young people. The Gymnastics Academy ’s full safe recruitment policy can be found in a separate document. Although the vast majority of coaches, volunteers and officials are committed and dedicated and are involved with the sport for commendable reasons, it is vital that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the safety of all participants by ensuring that any unsuitable people or people who may abuse children and young people are prevented from working within the sport.
The Gymnastics Academy will apply to following procedures to help ensure that the correct people are recruited to work within the organisation and share The Gymnastics Academy’ values and approach to safeguarding as well as providing a deterrent to anyone who wants to abuse children and young people within the sport. Robust recruitment procedures need to be in place for both paid and volunteer position within The Gymnastics Academy It’s a vital part of creating a safe and positive environment and making a commitment to keeping children and young people safe from harm.
12.2 The Gymnastics Academy ’s commitments
The Gymnastics Academy commit to:-
• Safeguarding and protecting all children and young people by implementing robustand safer recruitment practices
• Identifying and rejecting applicants who are unsuitable to work with children andyoung people
• Responding to concerns about the suitability of applicants during the recruitmentprocess
• Responding to concerns about the suitability of employees and delivery team andvolunteers once they have begun their role
• Ensuring all new staff and delivery team participate in an induction and will have safeguarding training
• A list of the supporting procedures that accompany the policy
• A date when the policy will come into force and when it will be reviewed
13. Safe environment Policy
13.1 Overview
The Gymnastics Academy have a duty of care to look after the safety and welfare of all of its members, coaches, parents, volunteers, visitors and others. As with all of the The Gymnastics Academy policies, a child/young person refers to anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
13.2 The Gymnastics Academy ’s commitments When working with children, an adult who is working on behalf of The Gymnastics Academy and carries out a supervisory role has responsibilities to the children in their care including:-
• A duty of care to the children with respect to wellbeing and care during their session
• Safeguarding including safe dispersal after session has finished
• Providing first aid
• Providing/consenting to emergency medical treatment
• Supervision/chaperoning
• Team managing
In order to fulfil the duty of care to The Gymnastics Academy members, we will provide:-
• Safeguarding and welfare
• First aid and emergency procedures
• A safe environment including the venue and apparatus
• Safe development of the individuals through physical and psychological preparation and progressive skill development
• Exercising reasonable care at all times.
The Gymnastics Academy operational team will ensure that all policies and procedures are in place and are adhered to as part of their duty of care to their members.
The organisation acknowledges that it is impossible to establish a detailed guideline for every eventuality that could occur but will have senior members of staff that are contactable at all times during our sessions via the emergency hotline.
The Gymnastics Academy will also ensure that that policies, procedures and sufficient training is in place for all staff and delivery team to deal with the situation in regards to meeting our obligation of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children and young people in our care.
14. Complaints procedures
If you have any complaints or concerns about your child, the coach, the centre or any part of your The Gymnastics Academy experience, please do not hesitate to call us on 07474332193 . Alternatively, you can email Once we are aware of the issue we will follow the correct channels to resolve the problem and keep you updated of any developments.
15.1 Appendix 1 Description of safeguarding lead role Club Safeguarding lead
1. Assist the club to put in place policies and implementation plans for safeguarding and promoting and protecting children and young persons’ welfare
2. Be the first point of contact for staff, delivery team and volunteers, children and parents for any issue concerning safeguarding, poor practice or potential/alleged abuse.
3. Ensure that all incidents are correctly reported and dealt with in accordance to The Gymnastics Academy procedures.
4. Ensure that all relevant staff/delivery team complete appropriate safeguarding training.
5. Ensure that The Gymnastics Academy procedures for safe recruitment of staff, delivery team and volunteers are followed and all appropriate existing staff, delivery team or volunteers have up-to- date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosures.
6. Maintain local contact details for Children’s Social Care Services, the Police and Local Authority Safeguarding panels.
7. Ensure that codes of conduct are in place and adhered to for staff, delivery team and volunteers/officials, children and parents.
8. Advise The Gymnastics Academy on safeguarding issues.
9. Ensure confidentiality is maintained and information is only shared on a genuine ‘need to know’ basis. 52
10. Ensure all individuals understand what their duty of care towards children means on a day to day basis